Some handaxe related articles and citations from the old days!
Gorman, A and Mitchell,
J.C. 1995. On the Cutting Edge: A Report on a Day Meeting on Lithic Use-Wear Analysis
held at the Donald Baden-Powell Quaternary Research Centre 60 Banbury Road
Oxford (February 25th 1995). Lithics 15 1995 (for 1994), 64-69. Link
Mitchell, J.C. 1995. Studying
Biface Untilisation at Boxgrove: roe deer butchery with replica handaxes. Lithics 16 1995 (for 1994), 32-41. Link
Mitchell J. C. 1997.
Quantitative image analysis of lithic microwear on flint handaxes. Microsc.
Anal. 26, 15–17.
Mitchell, J.C. 1998. Half a million years in a
short book, a review of Stone Age Britain by Nicholas Barton. British Archaeology 37. Link
Citation in article
about biface useage. Link
Roberts, M,B
and Pitts, M. 1988. A Fairweather
Eden: Life in Britain Half a Million
Years Ago as Revealed by the Excavations at Boxgrove. Random House. Link
Bello, S.M., Parfitt,
S.A. and Stringer, C. 2009. Quantitative micromorphological analyses of cut
marksproduced by ancient and modern handaxes.
Journal of Archaeological Science. 36. 1869-1880. Link
Hérisson, D., Airvaux, J., Lenoble, A., Richter, D., Claud, E., Primault, J. 2012 The
Acheulean site of "La Grande Vallée" at Colombiers (Vienne, France):
stratigraphy, formation processes, preliminary dating and lithic industries. Palaeo Revue D’Archaeologie Prehistorique 23,
137-154. Link
Butchers of
Boxgrove Spear Impact Experiments performed by Sir Bernard Knight. YoutubeVideo.
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