For a competitive insurance quote, call 0208 255 0617 / 07768 865983 or email your details to

Friday, 19 December 2014

Stonehenge dig finds 6,000-year-old encampment

Archaeologists working on a site near Stonehenge say they have found an untouched 6,000-year-old encampment which "could rewrite British history".

David Jacques, from the University of Buckingham, made the discovery at Blick Mead in October, and said the carbon dating results had just been confirmed.

The earliest Mesolithic encampment at Stonehenge has been discovered and it will reveal how Britain’s oldest ancestors lived – but it could be damaged if Government plans for a tunnel at Stonehenge go ahead.

Call me to discuss on 0208 2550617 / 07768 865983

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Storing equipment on-site in a locked shed?

Perhaps worth looking at a PIR (motion) activtated camera that will text/e-mail the pictures to you.  You can then 'hot-foot' to site and make sure that your equipment is safe!

On activation the camera will text or e-mail images to your phone or computer. This system will give you pictures of anyone who is up to no-good within seconds of setting off the camera.

Colour pictures/ Video /night vision pictures.

Up to 4 mobile numbers and 4 email addresses at one time.

It runs on AA batteries and requires a 'pay as you go' or contract mobile phone sim card.

It is quite pricey at £299.99, but it could save you that amount on your premium in the first year!  Call me to discuss on 2028 2550617 or email

Cheaper option for on-site camera recording

If £299.99 for an on-site camera is just too much, but you want to record what happens on-site overnight / while you are not there, perhaps you would consider one of these instead?

Nextbase InCarCam 101- in Halfords for £49 – though there are many different versions for a variety of prices.

I use one in the car so that I have a record, should I have an accident.  The camera has a memory card on which continuously stores 4 minute ‘takes’ – over-writing the oldest when the memory card is full.  So depending on how long a time-period you want to film, dictates the size of memory card required.

It is very simple to link the camera to the computer to review the footage – as well as view it on the camera’s in-built screen.

There might not be huge savings on your insurance, but there will be on your peace of mind!!

Call me on 0208 2550617 / 07768 865983 or email

Dispute brewing over search for King Alfred bones at Hyde Abbey in Winchester

A NEW dig that could find the bones of King Alfred the Great is moving closer.

But researchers are on a collision course with the charity that created the memorial garden that stands above the monarch’s grave in Winchester, theChronicle can reveal.

The Friends of Hyde Abbey Garden say they will oppose any excavation at the garden, which opened in 2003.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Understanding Liability Insurance

Public Liability Insurance
Public Liability Insurance covers against any legal liabilities arising from any bodily injury or property damage caused by you to a third party.  Like Professional Indemnity insurance, it is not mandatory for archaeologists to have Public Liability Insurance.

However, legal costs and compensation payments can be very large if, for example a member of the public were to die or become injured as a result of your work / activities.  Think of the fees, the costs and the expenses incurred during a coroner’s inquest, for example.  Again, you will do your very best to make sure that such serious accidents do not occur during the course of your work, but again, mistakes can be made – so it is a good idea to have Public Liability Insurance to protect you and your business.  Slips and trips don’t sound very serious, but they could kill your business.

Again, think about the sort of level of cover you need in terms of the maximum claim which could be made against your business.  Do large numbers of people visit your ‘attraction’? Heritage sites can be very busy and potentially dangerous. 

Products Liability
Products Liability might not apply to your business if you are not selling, manufacturing or designing goods for sale.  But if you are, claims for injury as a result of what could be perceived to be faulty or defective goods bought from you would again be costly.  Often Products Liability is provided along with Public Liability for no additional cost.

Employers’ Liability Insurance

Employers’ Liability Insurance is mandatory.  If you employ people (including volunteers) you must have at least £5m of cover and you must display your Employers’ Liability Insurance Certificate at the location where you employ people.  Again, you are covering legal fees and costs arising from slips and trips – even disease and death arising from your work.

Insurance for Expensive Archaeological Equipment On-Site

Insurers clearly don't like to provide cover against theft for equipment stored in a site hut or even in a site tent!  However, by taking some basic security precautions, cover can be extended to larger items like sieves such as this RGC Sieve Grader:

 R.G.C Sieve Grader

By locking the sieve to ground anchors, this client was able to get insurance cover for this expensive piece of kit.  The insurance included cover against theft while the site was unattended overnight.

Please call to discuss your insurance requirements 0208 2550617
Follow us on Twitter:  BizInsurer

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

What is required for a Professional Indemnity Insurance quote?

Professional Indemnity Insurance is priced according to the insurer's perception of the risk!  In order to ascertain this there is usually a proposal form which will ask some fairly standard questions including:
  • Last year's turnover
  • Predicted turnover for the coming year
  • Details of the qualifications and experience of your principal staff
  • Turnover by territory if working outside of the UK
  • Total wageroll cost
  • Wageroll split according to clerical and manual workers
  • Names of your largest 3 clients and the value to you of their contracts 
You will  be asked to provide a full description of your business activities and examples of client contracts may be requested.  Your compliance with things like the Health and Safety at Work act will be tested and you could be asked to provide copies of risk assessments where hazardous activities are undertaken.

Of course, we will assist you in providing all of the required information and indeed, we will already have access to some of it though researching your website, viewing your premises on Google Earth and by researching your business at Companies House - so the onus is not all on you!

If you would like to receive a copy of our standard PI proposal form so that you can be sure that you gathering the right information, please get in touch and we can email it to you!

Call me to discuss on 02082550617 / 07768 865983.

Click here to follow us on Twitter

Is Professional Indemnity Insurance Mandatory for Archaeologists?

Professional Indemnity Insurance is not a legal mandatory requirement, but many industry bodies and business sectors require it, for example, engineering, surveying and accountancy.  In addition, many professionals working on a contract basis will need PI insurance in order to be awarded contracts – Archaeologists and Archaeological businesses are likely to fall into this category.

Where you are providing advice, services or designs to a client, PI insurance will protect you against legal costs and compensation potentially resulting from your actions:

  • Professional negligence (including poor advice or mistakes)
  • Defamation and libel
  • Loss of documents and  / or data
  • Unintentional breach of copyright and / or confidentiality
  • Loss of goods and / or money (your own or your client’s for which you are responsible)

Of course, your strive to provide the very best service, but, unfortunately, there is always a chance that you or one of your team might make a mistake.

With PI insurance you are insuring against the possibility of having to pay out thousands of pounds in compensation and legal fees to defend a claim – as well as the opportunity cost of time spent defending the allegations.

Do you need professional indemnity insurance?

If you provide your clients with advice or services, then yes.  Most archaeological consultancies do have PI insurance.  Most organisations engaging your services will require you to have PI insurance.

What limit of professional indemnity do I need?
If a specific contract requires PI insurance, it's likely that your client will specify a minimum amount.

Otherwise, you industry body may suggest a minimum requirement.  If not, it is worth considering a worst case scenario which might occur if you make a mistake in a piece of client work for a client.  In UK legal fees can be huge, and your client may incur additional losses too.  Levels of cover range from £100,000 and upwards.  Call me to discuss on 02082550617 / 07768 865983.

Click here to follow us on Twitter

Monday, 15 December 2014

Can you guess what this is?

Insurance for Archaeolgists by Archaeolgists

We work with a panel of insurance companies so we are able to build your package of insurances specifically for you in order to get you the right covers at the best prices.
  • We understand what Archaeologists do
  • We help you manage your business risk
  • We provide the right insurances at the right price
  • We manage your insurances for you
  • We will beat your renewal quote
Business insurance for Archaeologists: whether you are digging, surveying, conserving, monitoring, displaying or researching, Archaeology Insurance is a vital component to your business.